62. LOVE’S FAIR WARNING _ Jeff Foster

It is devastation.
It takes no prisoners.

Everything you think is yours
It will destroy in a heartbeat.
It is unsentimental.

I will strip you of your pride
And crush your dignity.

It specialises in the end of childhood dreams.

Its methods are brutal
But its intention is loving.

It only longs to wake you up
And look through your eyes
At its own marvellous creation….💝🍃

66 thoughts on “62. LOVE’S FAIR WARNING _ Jeff Foster

  1. Pingback: Poetry Review | Notes

            1. Yes…my most of the friends in Canada , New-Zealand and Europe …so I have to manage time to chat with them…so I know.. timeline… amazing to wishes like morning , evening and noon…

              Liked by 1 person

            2. That’s great…we hardly read our holy books…like..Gita.n Ramayana…but I have Muslims and Christian friends who every day read Kuran and Bible…n do prayer….in my city havr Asia’s oldest Church..


            3. Equipping

              That is interesting. Before I go for the night, I will caution you about scam artists from Nigeria. I have friends there, but have learned to be careful about what I may say to them.

              Liked by 1 person

            4. Equipping

              The time is passing, and is approaching the end of my day. I hope that you will have a good day. So, good night from the USA.

              Liked by 1 person

            1. Equipping

              Yes. They are. The people were very nice to me. I learned a little bit of the Philippine national language, and less of the Thai language. I don’t speak Spanish at all, except counting, one, two, three. lol

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Equipping

    Also Australia. I think my friend there is 16 hours ahead. Most of my Russian friends are about 8 hours ahead of me. All of that is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Equipping

        I hope that your day has been good. I am on messenger checking all of my messages from all over the world. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that so many people care about you.


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