81. I have a different perspective on the world. _ Aisling Spellman

My body is young,
But my soul is not,
I’m trapped in a modern world,
But my heart longs for the past.

I see a world where things are done without technology,
I see a world where talking face to face is important,
I see a world where religion means more than going to church once a year,
I see a world where nature is more beautiful in person than through a screen,
I see a world where quiet is beautiful,
I see a world where I fit in with people that are older than me,
I see a world where music should be made and not bought,
I see a world where cursive is more elegant than a computer font,
I see a world where pictures are printed and hung up instead of shared through a device,
I see a world where letters are written to show that you care,
I see a world where people care more about others than about money,
I see a world where a deep conversation means more than laughing,
I see a world where making the right choices matters,
I see a world where I belong.

But i’m stuck,
I’m stuck in a place that is nothing like how I see the world.
I’m stuck in a generation that doesn’t fit my heart.
I’m stuck in a school with people that have forgotten about morals.
I’m stuck in a world where the simple things in life no longer matter.
I’m stuck in a materialistic place.

Through my eyes, the world is falling apart at the seems,
But very few can see the damage,
My eyes have seen the simpler times of which I long for again,
But I’m trapped somewhere that I don’t belong.

I’m an old soul living in a teenager’s body….❣

41 thoughts on “81. I have a different perspective on the world. _ Aisling Spellman

  1. abhiray59

    Nice post. The world you described still exists. Choice is ours, if we employ technology, if we write a letter by hand, if we look for quietitude or not. In this world of machine crafted goods, handcrafted items are considered personalised and fetch higher value.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice to know that others feel this way, too.
    The things that are free are often most valuable — genuine kindness, being present to nature or our own souls, LIFE itself. Funny, these precious and plentiful parts of life are appreciated by an old soul — maybe because they are eternal?
    (btw: I also like to communicate without having demographic information collected about me via Facebook and sold to marketing firms).
    Thanks for posting and reminding all of us of what matters.

    Liked by 1 person

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